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Thunder storm
Richmond Range, Nelson, NZ
-41.450775°S, 173.3789389°E
Posted on May 2, 2018 by Sarah
What happened?
Our group of 4 were near the end of a 5 day trip over the Richmond Alpine Route in the Richmond Range near Nelson, NZ. We were only 1.5 km from the road end where we were to be picked up, when unexpected heavy rain cause tributaries and the main river to very quickly rise and flood (the main river went from 3 to 128 cumecs in a short period of time). We ended up trapped on a spur between 2 flooded tributaries, unwilling to attempt a crossing. The force of the water in a normally ankle deep stream was enough to be rolling boulders. We set up the tent, intending on waiting out the weather and hoping the river levels would drop. The tent ended up leaking and one of our group was unable to keep warm.
We had a lot of discussion on options, but eventually, knowing another weather front was due in the next day and the deteriorating condition of a member of the group, we chose to call for help. We set off our ACR ResQLink beacon late afternoon and were very extremely grateful when the competent crew of the Nelson Marlborough Rescue Helicopter winched us out of heavy bush a couple of hours later.
Words of wisdom
Being so small I never think twice before throwing in [the ACR ResQLink] for adventures. This experience showed how important this can be. Such a short distance from the road, and unable to move was so frustrating, but the beacon allowed us to get help before the situation got worse.
Thank you note
Rescue location
Richmond Range, New Zealand
Rescue team
Local Search and Rescue
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