Dusty Trails and a Sharp Turn: Heroic Biker Activates ResQLink PLB in Walcha Rally Incident



Survivor Stories


Dusty Trails and a Sharp Turn: Heroic Biker Activates ResQLink PLB in Walcha Rally Incident

Dusty Trails and a Sharp Turn: Heroic Biker Activates ResQLink PLB in Walcha Rally Incident
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Crash or collision

Challenging Terrain

Challenging Terrain


Dusty Trails and a Sharp Turn: Heroic Biker Activates ResQLink PLB in Walcha Rally Incident

-30.9852458°S, 151.5932704°E

Posted on December 14, 2023 by Hernan

What happened?

While participating in the Walcha motorcycle rally, we headed out on the second day to complete the rally section.

Conditions were very dusty as we were riding unsealed dirt roads. The pace was fast, as the tracks from the day before were open and flowing.

About 10 km into the section, four riders bunched up, and visibility became difficult. I was the fourth rider in this group, taking it easy as I had fallen the day before and later found out I had two broken ribs. I was actually considering not riding that day because of the pain.

We were traveling at 110 km/h on what seemed to be a reasonably straight dirt road when, due to the dust, a sharp left-hander appeared out of nowhere.

I barely made the corner, and once the dust cleared, I could only see two – out of the three – riders in front, realizing someone didn’t make it. I turned around to look for the rider who had missed the corner. The bike had hit a tree, and Hernan was lying about 10 m from the bike to the left. I checked on him, and he was not in good condition, complaining he could not feel his legs, and I just knew this was serious.

So, I activated my ResQLink 400 PLB and placed it in clear view of the sky.

At this time, a UTE of pig hunters emerged from the bush, having witnessed the accident. One of these guys was an ex-paramedic, thank goodness! Once we established a plan, the ex-paramedic stayed with Hernan while a marshal from the event, who had stopped, and I rode to get phone reception to call 000.

The Westpac rescue helicopter, ambulance, and rescue all arrived around the same time, half an hour after the beacon was activated. I have also recently been informed that Hernan is doing well.

Words of wisdom

Don’t ride beyond your limits.

Thank you note

Product worked exactly as intended, thankyou.

Rescue location

Walcha NSW 2354, Australia

Rescue team

Westpac Rescue Helicopter

ResQLink™ 400

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Small but resilient, the ResQLink 400 has been professionally engineered and tested to ensure it can withstand even the harshest elements. This buoyant Personal Locator Beacon requires no subscription for use and can be utilized to enhance your safety in a wide variety of environments. Whether on land, at sea, or in the air, trust that the ResQLink’s satellite precision and military durability, put rescue in the palm of your hands.


Features and Benefits:

  • No Subscription Required
  • GPS and Galileo GNSS
  • Built-In Buoyancy
  • Strobe and Infrared Strobe
  • Global Coverage
  • MEOSAR Compatible
  • Small and lightweight
  • 5-year battery life
  • 24+ hours Operational Life**
  • Multi-function Clip System Included
**Based on test report from an accredited laboratory   WARNING: PROP 65   
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ResQLink™ 400 saves lives

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