ResQLink 400 Needed When Weather Worsens



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ResQLink 400 Needed When Weather Worsens

ResQLink 400 Needed When Weather Worsens
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Thunder storm

Thunder storm


ResQLink 400 Needed When Weather Worsens

-34.953767507355°S, 150.32637098101°E

Posted on June 2, 2022 by Charlie

What happened?

It was a 330k bike packing trip, I wanted to cover 90k on the first day. At 12:30 I was already at 130, easy peasy, 22Km/H average. 

Charlie’s Bike

Then after lunch, I kept getting deeper and deeper into a remote forest where the terrain was getting increasingly muddy, I kept telling myself “i’s not gonna be for long surely”.

The View During Some of Charlie’s Ride

The state was buldozering the track for 40km, and it literally made it impossible to ride, it wéas mud pit. I basically pushed / carried my bike for 20km before getting super cold as it started pouring. I couldn’t even push the bike by the end because the mud stopped the wheels from spinning. 

I was 20km from the gravel / road on both side of the trail, and I couldn’t see myself carry my bike for that distance under the increasingly strong rain, and the extremely slippery terrain. 

After analysing the situation for a good 45 minutes, and realising that those wheels weren’t going to start spinning again anytime soon, I pressed the button on the ResQLink 400 beacon. 

Charlie’s Tent Against the Weather

Fortunately, Australian rescue service are fast, within an hour, a chopper had located me, and after 2 hours, the 4WD arrived to pick myself and my bike up. 

It was getting dark and wet, and I’m definitely grateful I carried the ResQLink 400 beacon because I don’t know how I would have gotten out of this considering the path was getting more and more damaged due to the rain. 

Words of wisdom

Never underestimate the rain, even more when trekking solo. It can turn the most normal situation into a nightmare if the terrain is soft.

Thank you note

Thanks for creating such an awesome, compact and affordable product. Never thought I’d buy one but before going on a solo adventure I thought it might be time to get it. Product worked flawlessly, and got me out of a potentially life threatening situation.

Thanks guys, keep kicking asses.

Rescue location

28WG+FG Yalwal NSW, Australia

Rescue team

Local Search and Rescue

ResQLink™ 400

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Small but resilient, the ResQLink 400 has been professionally engineered and tested to ensure it can withstand even the harshest elements. This buoyant Personal Locator Beacon requires no subscription for use and can be utilized to enhance your safety in a wide variety of environments. Whether on land, at sea, or in the air, trust that the ResQLink’s satellite precision and military durability, put rescue in the palm of your hands.


Features and Benefits:

  • No Subscription Required
  • GPS and Galileo GNSS
  • Built-In Buoyancy
  • Strobe and Infrared Strobe
  • Global Coverage
  • MEOSAR Compatible
  • Small and lightweight
  • 5-year battery life
  • 24+ hours Operational Life**
  • Multi-function Clip System Included
**Based on test report from an accredited laboratory   WARNING: PROP 65   
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