MicroFix™ PLB-300 Personal Locator Beacon





MicroFix™ PLB-300 Personal Locator Beacon

MicroFix™ PLB-300 Personal Locator Beacon

This Product Has Been Discontinued.   

Accidents happen every day, whether you are on a mission going into harm’s way, working in a remote area, or simply camping or hunting in the outdoors. In the outdoors, an everyday accident can instantly become a life threatening situation, and rescues may take days or weeks if you are not prepared.

Put the power in the palm of your hand with a MicroFix 406 Personal Locator Beacon (PLB). Now you can turn that life threatening situation into a successful rescue story. It’s as easy as pushing a button, and with an internal GPS the MicroFix acquires your GPS position and transmit it along with your personalized identifier code through the COSPASSARSAT global satellites system instantly alerting Search and Rescue forces, that you need help, immediately!

This is a worldwide humanitarian life saving system that has saved over 30,000 lives, paid for by your tax dollars, with no costly subscription fees.

Be responsible, Be Prepared, Be Safe.

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This Product Has Been Discontinued.   

Transmits on 406 MHz via the COSPAS-SARSAT satellite system with your registered, unique, digitally coded distress signal and 121.5 MHz (SAR homing frequency).

Onboard 16 channel parallel GPS acquires then transmits LAT/LON when the unit is activated, dramatically saving valuable time for your distress message to reach local rescue centers and providing rescue agencies with your exact position to within 110 yards (100 meters).

Easily carried in a pack or pocket; small enough to be worn by skiers, hikers, hunters, kayakers, climbers, pilots, snowmobilers or any other outdoor enthusiast.

Boost your adventure