Top 5 Products to Outfit your Lifejacket
Posted on May 9, 2018
1) Personal Locator Beacon (PLB)
Small enough to be stored inside an inflatable life jacket, a 406 MHz Personal Locator Beacon is essentially to alert Search and Rescue that you need help. Even in extreme conditions and situations, Personal Locator Beacons activates easily. Just deploy the antenna and press the ON button. With a powerful GPS, they guide rescuers to your position.
Recommended Product: ACR ResQLink View Personal Locator Beacon
Key Product Features: 406 MHz with GPS and 121.5 MHz homing signal, Digital Display, Buoyant, White and LED Strobe Lights and Easy Activation
2) AIS Man Overboard Beacon
Unlike a personal locator beacon, which signals orbiting search and rescue satellites, AIS MOB devices sends an alert message within seconds to all local vessels with an AIS receiver and/or AIS-enabled plotter and the DSC alarm on your vessel’s VHF can also be signaled. An AIS MOB automatically activates upon inflation of the lifejacket, and with an integrated strobe light provides low light assistance in letting others know your exact location.
Recommended Product: Ocean Signal MOB1 or ACR AISLink MOB
Key Product Features: AIS with GPS and DSC alarm notification, Strobe Light, Automatic Activation, Slim design attaches right to the oral inflation tube
3) Strobe Light
Talk to any USCG pilot and they will tell you how difficult it is to spot a person in the water even if they are right in front of them. They stress the importance of outfitting all lifejackets with strobe lights as an effective way to mark your position and allow yourself to be seen from miles away. Automatically activated SOLAS grade strobe lights are required for all commercial lifejackets and are highly recommended for recreational users as well.
Recommended Product: ACR Firefly Pro Waterbug or ACR C-Strobe H2O
Key Product Features: Automatic Activation, Visibility of over 3 miles, 360 degree beam of light, long lasting
4) Whistle
The objective is to get attention anyway possible, and specifically designed whistles that can issue an ear piercing tone over 100 decibels will surprisingly travel over long distances and can alert nearby crafts in your area of your location. Look for a whistle specifically designed to meet USCG requirements. Be sure the whistle comes with a lanyard so you can secure it to your life jacket to ensure it does not fall out once the jacket is inflated.
Recommended Product: ACR WW3 Res-Q Whistle
Key Product Features: Loud, Pealess, Does not hold water, lanyard included
5) Signal Mirror
Chances are you are boating during the day, so a strobe light is not optimal in these conditions, but a compact signal mirror with an easy to use sighting tool is key to harnessing sunlight to gain critical attention to others in the area or Search and Rescue forces looking for you in the water.
Recommended Product:
Key Product Features: Easy viewing window, telescope quality reflective surface, buoyant float pad and whistle included.