Commercial Fishing



Commercial Fishing

Commercial Fishing

  • ACR AISLink MOB 360 GIF

    AISLink MOB


    Overboard situations can be a little less hair-raising with the Automatic Identification System (AIS) Man Overboard Beacon (MOB). The AISLink features integrated Digital Selective Calling (DSC) and GPS technology, so you can quickly reach out for help when you need it most. Unlike a personal locator beacon, which signals orbiting search and rescue satellites, AISLink sends an alert message within seconds to all local vessels with an AIS receiver and/or AIS-enabled plotter. Plus, the DSC alarm on your vessel’s VHF radio can also be signaled to make first responders aware of what’s going on.

    Be sure to regularly check our download tab for product updates including approvals and manual changes.

    Configure AISLink MOB



  • Sale!

    Bivy 15W Solar Panel


    Proudly made in the USA!


  • Bivy Stick Comprehensive Mounts Kit

    Bivy Comprehensive Mounts Kit

  • Bivy Stick Essentials Mount Kit

    Bivy Essential Mounts Kit

  • SR203 VHF Handheld Survival Radio

    The SR203 VHF Handheld Survival Radio is an FCC approved device that’s built for all marine applications. Its digital display and control buttons are backlit, making the device easily operable in dark environments. If you find yourself in need of some assistance, the SR203 VHF is easy to use. Once it’s been activated, this survival radio automatically tunes to emergency Channel 16, and has a single push call button so you can quickly send out your distress message. The SR203 VHF has a battery life of over 16 hours, and meets all the requirements of the IMO.


    This product is not available for commercial sale.