The ACR OLAS product line includes the ACR OLAS Tag and ACR OLAS Float-On MOB systems, worn by the user to connect with the ACR OLAS app on their smart phone or tablet, or can be scaled to work with the OLAS CORE base station, OLAS Guardian Engine Shut Off and Alarm, or OLAS EXTENDER.
ACR OLAS technology works by detecting a break in the ‘vitual tether’ from your mobile device, Core, Guardian, or Extender receivers to the ACR OLAS MOB system within 8 seconds of someone falling overboard. The phone stores the GPS location, sounds a loud alarm, alerting crew to the man overboard incident before the OLAS app then aids the recovery with directions to the stored GPS location.



An MOB system designed for all your adventures and all your adventurers

ACR OLAS technology provides an affordable man overboard alarm system for cruisers and boaters and is available through the ACR OLAS Tag and ACR OLAS Float-On, both of which pair with your mobile device and connect to the free iOS and Android ACR OLAS app.
Compact and versatile for attachment on your wrist or lifejacket, the Tag’s universal silicone strap can be used by crew, children and animals and is ideal for day time cruising or short-handed daytime sailing for constant reassurance onboard. The OLAS Float-On is a water-activated USB rechargeable torch, which is easy to attach to a life jacket and ideal for boaters sailing during the day and into the night.
Once the ‘virtual tether’ between your OLAS system and device is broken, the OLAS mobile app will emit an alarm and light signal, record the time and GPS location of the incident, illustrate the direction and course to return to the alert GPS location and advise on VHF Mayday Call using pre-set vessel information. Up to 6 Tags or Float-Ons can be connected to one phone or tablet and one OLAS device can be connected to unlimited phones or tables.

1. MOB Scenario Occurs
The OLAS system is constantly connected to your smartphone creating a ‘virtual tether’ between you and your crew. This area of awareness create a bubble which one an OLAS user leaves will activate the system.
2. OLAS System Activates
A potential MOB scenario is detected triggering an alarm notification directly to the connected device(s). This alarm can provide a wider range of options depending on your OLAS configuration.
3. MOB Data is Sent to App
Using the OLAS app, the last recorded location is sent to the smartphone along with a directional arrow navigating to MOB location. Facilitating local or self rescue to occur.

- Connect multiple OLAS transmitters to 1 phone or tablets
- Connect 1 OLAS transmitter to multiple phones or tablets
- Solo Mode sends text message alerts to emergency contacts with GPS coordinates (2G Cell Service Required)
- App Navigation back to the initial MOB location
- Automatic VHF script for MOB alerts
Add more versatility to your boat by growing the OLAS system as your boat, family, crew increases. Connect up to 6 Tag or OLAS Float-On’s to your mobile device, or added onto your OLAS system with our new line up of base stations and repeaters to connect up to 15 devices.