Naples, FL, USA



Survivor Stories


Naples, FL, USA

Lives saved






Mechanical failure

Mechanical failure

Thunder storm

Thunder storm


Naples, FL, USA

26.1420358°N, -81.7948103°W

Posted on January 17, 2019 by Joseph

What happened?


On May 15, 2015, my friend Keith and I were on my 23 ft Dusky. We were offshore overnight fishing. Throughout the night into the morning we begin to experience rough seas. We were approximately 33 miles off shore and while heading to other spot we spun the prop. We tried reaching a coastguard with a VHF radio but supposedly there was a blackout on the frequency. We set signal on our ACR EPIRB within hours showed the US coastguard from Fort Myers, FL located us off of Naples, FL. They checked us for our safety and then we begin under tow towards shore. The coastguard radio to sea tows who met us 20 miles off shore and towed us the rest of the way through storms and lighting to Bay View Park in Naples, FL. We were greeted by love ones who were extremely concern for our safety. They brought us warm food and drinks. Later we found out on the internet the coastguard frequency had a block out on their VHF frequency. If not for the EPIRB, there’s no telling how long we would have been stranded out off shore. Unfortunately, we did not see any other boats besides our rescue boats. The experience has taught me the value of having an ACR, Keith and I was worried due to the mechanical failure. We were losing hope once VHF radio wasn’t working and we both worried about our safety. Going forward after this event I make sure the ACR EPIRB is in my boat. Thank you again for being there for us!

Words of wisdom

Trust ACR with your life, literally. You thank me!

Thank you note

Thank you for your consistent work and improving the models.

Rescue location

Naples, FL, USA

Rescue team

Coast Guard


Go to product details

This Product has been Upgraded. Click Here for Available Upgrade. It may be small, but it's tough. The ResQLink™+ Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) is a buoyant, GPS-enabled rescue beacon that's suited for outdoor adventures of all sizes (think: everything from hiking and cycling to hunting and fishing). Should you run into an unexpected survival situation, the ResQLink+ PLB will relay your location to a network of search and rescue satellites, allowing local first responders to more easily get you home safe and sound. Be Prepared for the Unpredictable!  
  • Buoyant
  • LED strobe light
  • Self Test
  • 66 Channel GPS
  • Easy emergency activation
  • Antenna clip


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ResQLink™+ saves lives

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